Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Women

My favorite reading from this week was The Women, and not because I am into lesbian action or anything, but because strangely I felt myself in the story. The author really grabbed my attention and captivated me in a way that not many short story authors have done so far. There were a few things that I could connect with, simply because I grew up around people who were "mentally ill." My dad was bipolar so this story reminded me of times with him, one minute he was normal and the next he was not so much, which the lady who is narrating seems like she goes through those same type of moments.

Also after reading the notes at the end of it, I found out why the author wrote what she did. And recently I've dealt with a lot of kids and people who have asbergers and autism. The interesting thing is that she mentions how modern "syndromes" would have been classified as crazy in the past, yet now as our times discover more and more about these syndromes, we realize that they aren't so crazy after all. Years ago people thought that autism was a person who was demented, now we have a whole new way of understanding and realizing who these people are.

Bird by Bird- Set Design

I really found the chapter on Set Design interesting because often times I've found myself trying to write about something that I have no personal first hand experience on. I think it's pretty impossible to write about something when I've no idea what it really is like, so the advice on going to someone who does have the actual experience and getting them to describe it to you is awesome. I've been many cool places, for instance Spain, so I am able to envision a lot from that experience myself. However, had I never been there, writing about it would have been a lot more difficult and I would have needed to do research and ask someone who does have that experience.

Wreckage of Reason- Whirlwind

My favorite of the first set of short stories is New York/LA Whirlwind Romance. Reading through the quotes by the man in the first half remind me so much of the things a guy says before actually engaging in a sexual relationship. So often guys will tell you the things that they think you want to hear, in order to get to the place they want to be; in bed. And the second half of the story are the things that I would associate with how a guy starts behaving and acting after the sexual relations have already taken place.

Not only do I relate well with this short story, if that's what it is called, I also think it's a great idea! Many times while out with friends we'll be walking along and I hear someone say something who is off in the distance. I catch myself actually answering their questions and many time, I do it out loud. My friends think I am a little odd for listening in on other people's conversations, but it's actually a lot of fun and very insightful. And to read a story that is composed entirely of other people's conversations is kind of cool. It has inspired me to actually write down some of the interesting things I hear along the way. Especially since I've already gotten past the whole "it's weird to listen in on other people" phase.